Tuesday, June 3, 2008

GPT Manila @ Comics Corner

Last Sunday was the GPT Manila at Comics Corner, SubangJaya. My team mate Melvyn, Cass and myself went for this event. Cass and Win did not play. Melvyn and myself took a shot at this. I, as always .. using UB Faeries bcos this is the only deck that im used to it and have the most playtesting. This is not really a tournament re-cap but I will just state who was I up against with and what deck my opponent were using.

Round 1 - Khairul (GR Aggro)
MVP: Scion of Oona

Match: 2-1 (1-0)

Round 2 - Ken (UB Faeries)
MVP: Sower of Temptation

Match: 2-1 (2-0)

Round 3 - Kar Wye (WW Kithkin)
MVP: Sower of Temptaion

Match: 2-1 (3-0)

Round 4 - Doctor (UB Faeries)
MVP: None

Match: 0-2 (3-1)

Round 5 - Effendy (UW Control)
MVP: None

Match: ID (3-1-1)

So .. I manage to get top 8 and it was my very 1st Magic top 8 in like so many years trying to get it. It was really a great feeling but ended up to be a sad one when I went up againts Hari and loss to him so badly that it was not a fun game for me. I will blog on what happen on that match, I can still remember like it was at the back of my head. Stay tune !!


Sunday, May 18, 2008

My Regionals 2008 tournament – recap

Its has been a long time since I blog about Magic tourneys here. Well, recently I just attended the Regionals 2008 tournament at Comic Corner SJ. Here's a short recap of it ...

I decided to use the UB Faeries that was crested by some Japanese dude which uses Shriekmaw and Makeshift Mannequin. Here are some of the re-cap for each round if I can remember.

Round 1 (UB Faeries)
Honestly, I did not practice at all against mirror match-up. This is the game on who gets the Bitterblossom out 1st wins the game. 1st game, lets make it short … my opponent has 2 Bitterblossom in play and had some counterspells in his hand. 2nd game, I sideboard in 3 Thoughtseize and 3 Fledging Mawcor, I was land flood the whole time, even with Ancestral Vision resolves, I kept on drawing lands. I manage to Thoughseize and reveal 1 Peppersmoke, 1 Spellstutter Sprite and 2 Sower of Temptation (I even wrote it down) and I have 1 Ancestral Vision with 1 counter left. My huge mistake was, I when and remove the Sower of temptation, which I was supposed to remove the Spellstutter Sprite, after that my Ancestral Vision resolve, he counter it with Spellstutter Sprite, then I told myself, it okay. Then during his upkeep, I got 6 mana, and I cast Spellstutter Sprite after that (still during his upkeep), I cast Mistbind Clique, which I forgotten he has a Peppersmoke in hand, then onwards it a GG for me.

0-1 0-2

Round 2 (Mono-Black Control)
This is my 1st time playing Mono-Black Control (MBC). 1st game, t2 Bitterblossom, I kept on making creatures, in the end I control the board with my faeries, Spellstutter Sprite and Scion of Oona, he drop stuff which all I countered. He also dropped Lillian Vess that was attack by my faeries and died. All my faeries smack for the win. 2nd game, I sideboarded in 3 Thoughtseize only. My Thoughseize remove his Demigod of Revenge. I got a t2 Bitterblossom as well but after the game go further, he Tendrils of Corruption my Mistbind Clique but I still has another one in my hand. During his upkeep, I cast out Mistbind Clique and during my turn, all my Faeries attack.

1-1 2-0

Round 3 (Doran Rock)
This is also my 1st time going against a Doran Rock deck. 1st game I won easily with lotsa Spellstutter Sprite in my hand, a turn 2 Bitterblossom (but got Oblivion Ring-ed) I then cast another Bitterblossom again (and got Oblivion Ring-ed again) but in the end Mistbind Clique saves the day. 2nd game, I sideboarded Damnation and Flashfreeze, it was his game as he stompy me all the way. 3rd game, same as 1st game, I had like 5 counterspells in hand which is 2 Spellstutter, 2 Rune Snag and 1 Cryptic Command. I just keep on countering on whatever he cast out and win the game.

2-1 2-1

Round 4 (Dragonstorm)
This is the fastest game I ever played. 1st game, 4-turn killed. He cast double Grapeshot with Pyromancer's Swath in play dealing me a massive 15 damage which my life was already down to 14 after receiving 2 Rift Bolt. I sideboarded Thoughseize as I have nothing else to sideboard against Dragonstorm deck. 2nd game, t2 Bitterblossom in play, I was producing my faeries tokens and I Thoughtseize him pulling something which I can’t remember what. Hehe J. I had a Spellstutter Sprite, Rune Snag and Cryptic Command in my hands and he got tons of lands. During his turn, he resolve Lotus Bloom which I countered it with Spellstutter Sprite, then he cast Pyromancer's Swath, which I did not counter, he cast out a Rift Bolt which I counter it with Cryptic Command and bouncing back the Pyromancer's Swath, he recast Pyromancer's Swath, which I can’t counter with Rune Snag since he got tons of mana know that he has a Grapeshot in hand. Then he cast Grapeshot and took the game.

2-2 0-2

Round 5 (G/W Mesa)
Ill keep this short, some ppl may know why. 1st game, I got a turn 2 Bitterblossom producing my faeries like mad. He cast got Glittering Wish and search for Vexing Shusher and cast it out. Then on my turn, I just Shriekmaw it. By then I have a lot of Faeries in play, he cast Wrath of God and I countered it. It was my game. 2nd game, I got greed and cast 2 Bitterblossom because I got 2 Mistbind Clique in hand, my opponent got plenty of mana (lands) and he cast Sacred Mesa. Just say … he Wrath of God ant I died by my 2 Bitterblossom. Move on the 3rd game, he cast Martyr of Sands in turn 1 and I had another turn 2 Bitterblossom on my board. I Thoughtseize him taking out his Crovax in response he gain life till 29 life, soon after that Glittering Wish again but could not find the Vexing Shusher because it was in the main deck already, that was 1 mistake he made. I was board controlling him with my faeries tokens and a Mistmind Clique. I keep on smacking his for a few turns. I decide to cast Wrath of God and just got countered by Cryptic Command and I won.

3-2 2-1

Round 6 (R/B Demigod)
My opponent was playing a new deck with Demigod and Dusk Urchin. Both 1st game and 2nd game my opponent just run outta gas after 5-6 lands in play. My MVP for this round will be Mistbind Clique and Makeshift Mannequin.

4-2 2-0

If I do the wrong re-cap, do correct me yea. Was very sleepy while writing this. LOL.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

New MTG site

Finally we have our very own MTG website, all thanks to the hardwork from Melvyn. The website is http://www.MTG-Malaysia.com. The basic concept is there, now we need are article and tournament report to feel in the blanks. So far, the only tourney report is by me during the Shadowmoor Release party at CCE last weekend.

There are some upcoming MTG event happenning real soon usch as the Malaysia Nationals Qualifiers, please head to the website for more details. Lastly, we also have out own forum (message boards), do register urself and start posting :)

Hope to see u guys soon and hope to read on all the feedback. With ur feedback, we will surely try to make the site better for all viewers and players. Take care. BB


Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Shadowmoor weekend

over. Last weekend was the Shadowmoor pre-release. It was fun and tiring as well. Me, Melvyn and Cass was crashing out at Win place a day before the pre-release, discussing lotsa stuff regarding the team and Shadowmoor. Its was great, looking forward to what we have discuss :)

Around 100+ players attend this pre-release. It was great to see that many players in a pre-release. My 1st session tournament packs and 3 boosters was great, got lotsa good stuff in it. I constructed a blue/white deck with a niffy gain life ability, thanks to Melvyn for helping me out. What I heard was alot of players were playing black/red decks. I still remember my 1st match with Riz (i think thats his name ??), I gain like 30+ life and in the end won that match. It was really fun. After 4 rounds, I went 1 win, 2 loss and 1 draw.

My 2nd session was not that good. I did not get good cards. So, I constructed a black/red deck, which is just a normal deck. nuttin unique abt it. I loss all 4 rounds.

Anyway .. the good thing is I had so much fun in the pre-release. Meeting new frens, even met a fren who lives at Cyberjaya.

Just cant wait for the Shadowmoor cards to become legal. Cya all soon at Shadowmoor Release Party.

Lastly .. thanks to Cass for the pictures and thanks Melvyn and Win for your support.


Sunday, April 13, 2008

Shadowmoor Mania tourney -- short recap

Shadowmoor Mania tourney event happen at Manawerx today. 40+ players attend this standard contructed format event and Im just happy to be place at #20. I was piloting UB Faeries deck (i called it UB Fa3). After hours of practice at Melvyn house, i finally know how the deck works and able to control it. Here's a short recap of the tourney ...

Round 1: vs. RDW (Jude James)
Match 1 - i got control of the game in the end with Mistbind Clique. Match 2 - my opponent was land flood all the way. Game: 1-0

Round 2: vs. Reanimator (Vinvent Gan)
Match 1 - my opponent board control with Makeshift Mannequin and Cairn Wanderer. Match 2 - i manage to board control till the end and hit his live to 2 but Cairn Wanderer hit the board, there's nuttin i can do about it. Game: 1-1

Round 3: vs. Mono-G Elf Warrior (some chinese dude)
Match 1 - He mulligan down to 5 cards and stuck with 2 lands all the way. Match 2 - my turn to mulligan as well, he has lands with some creature and keep on taking damages from Bitterblossom. I board control with 3 Cryptic Command on 3 turns. Game: 2-1

Round 4: vs. Reveillark Control
Match 1 - Mulligan down to 5, did not have a good draw. Match 2 - same thing happen, mulligan again and did not have turn 2 Bitterblossom. I scoop. Game: 2-2

Round 5: vs. UB Rogue Faeries (Hari's friend)
Match 1 - My oppenent lands screwed and I just beat him down with my creatures. Match 2 - His turn to beat me down with all rogue faeries and he gain board control. Match 3 - He got many lands but his creature decided to take a break. Game: 3-2

Round 6: vs. Dragonstorm (Joe Lin)
Match 1 - this was very fast, my Bitterblossom cam in turn 2 and beatdown all the way. Match 2 - this match i made mistake, he cast 2 Rites of Flame and I did not bother to counter it, and when he played Dragonstorm, I countered the Dragonstorm but the storm effect let him play 3 Bogardan Hellkite. Match 3 - I did not have any cards to countered his Dragonstorm .. nuff said. Game: 3-3

So .. my final score is 3 win, 3 losses. To me, its an improvement .. all thanks to Melvyn, Cass and Win, who help me practice. Thanks guys.

Next stop ... Shadowmoor Pre-release - April 19th till 20th, 2008

Friday, April 11, 2008

Crap .. im in a lossinstreak

I have been attending for FNM for the past 3 weeks not and my deck or perhaps myself not playing all that great. I have been lossing all my games in FNM, talk about bad luck. Im still using my UB Faerie deck until now. I see other players UB Faerie deck preforming so well but mine is like ... the deck luv to loss or something.

Is either I mana flood or mana screwed or something, I just got too many counters or too many creatures in my hand. The cards that I need just won't come out when I need them. Izzit my shuffling or just plain me.

I keep on asking myself .. should I change my deck to a more aggro deck or just stick to control all the way. I really like control decks. I luv control decks since I started playing Magic. Am I ready for this Sunday tournament ??

Yea, this Sunday there will be a Shadowmoor Pre-release Mania tournament @ Manawerx. I will have to use the UB Faerie deck cuz this deck is the deck that I have the most practice with. So .. just wish me LUCK !! :)

Magic Online ... errr its offline for now

I started to like Magic Online and now its offline and close. Dun worry, its not close down permanently, Magic Online is doing an upgrade to Magic Online ver.3. The previous version that I was using is ver.2.5. I will have to wait at least 2 weeks for ver.3 to come out. The client for ver.3 is already out for download but the server is still down. Just download the client and wait.
